
Auto install script for TimeIsMoney (TIM)

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Auto install script for TimeIsMoney (TIM)

TimeIsMoney (TIM) Masternode Install Script

Use this script on a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04 (not lower)

This guide is meant for setting up a HOT/COLD SETUP WITH LINUX.

STEP 1 - Sending Collateral Coins

  1. Download the latest wallet from : https://github.com/rmcpartner/timeismoneycrypto/releases and install it.
  2. Open your Windows wallet - MAKE SURE IT IS SYNCED
  3. Go to Tools -> Debug Console
  4. Type: getaccountaddress MN# (# is your masternode number you want to use)
  5. In the Debug Console Type: masternode genkey
  6. Send 1000 TIM to this address
  7. Type: masternode outputs (This can take a few minutes before an output is shown)
  8. Save your TX ID (The first number) and your Index Number (Second number, either a 1 or 0)
  9. Save your generated key as well as this will be needed in your VPS as your private key
  10. Save these in a notepad
  11. Close the wallet

STEP 2 - Setting up your Linux VPS (Read all instructions and follow prompts closely)

  1. Connect to your linux vps AS ROOT (AWS USERS USE sudo -i TO LOGIN AS ROOT), copy and paste the following line into your VPS. Copy paste each line one by one into your console

sudo apt-get install -f git

sudo git clone https://github.com/LEGENDSTER/timenode.git

cd timenode

sudo bash install.sh && cd

STEP 3 - Editing your Windows Config File

  1. Open your wallet
  2. Go to Tools -> Open Masternode Configuration File
  3. Enter the following on one single line after the example configuration <alias> <ip>:11334 <private_key> <tx_id> <index>
  4. It should look something like this: mn1 93HaYBVUCYjEMeeH1Y4sBGLALQZE1Yc1K64xiqgX37tGBDQL8Xg 572ae2c7135a8da2c1dbf2866240ec209a113f2851104c4e3e9b83e6cb7f0b3d 1
  5. Save and close the file and restart your wallet.

STEP 4 - Starting the Masternode

  1. In your wallet, go to Tools -> Debug Console
  2. Enter masternode start-alias <alias> with <alias> being the name of your masternode from Part 3
  3. Enjoy! You can start this process over again for another MN on a fresh Linux VPS!

Part 5 - Checking Masternode Status

  1. After running the command in step 4, go back to your VPS
  2. Enter cd to get back to your root directory
  3. Enter timeismoney-cli mnsync status A synced wallet will show sync status value as true and assets as 999.
  4. Enter timeismoney-cli masternode status : It should show your vin, service (IP), public key and activation status.
  5. This will tell you the status of your masternode, any questions, please ask the developers.